moon dreams

moon dreams
photo by Jeni Ferguson

Thursday, December 13, 2012

on my brain this morning

photo by Jeni Ferguson
"There is a road , no simple highway, between the dawn and the dark of night" ~ the late grateful Jerry Garcia

What will you do with the path you have chosen? what miracles will you witness on your road today?
Will you be too busy to notice the beauty of frosty windows? What will your choices bring you?
Will you hear the music in the air? Will you feel the heartbeat of nature? Between this dawn and this dark of night , What memories will you create? Your life is the sum of your choices, make it rich and full of wonder.


  1. My problem nowadays is one of haste, busy, hustle, bustle and of multitasking. I'm not permitted to pause, breathe and enjoy... fear of being called a lazy dreamer ...sigh :(

  2. Fear of what others think is what holds one back from happiness.
