moon dreams

moon dreams
photo by Jeni Ferguson

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Everyone is jumping on the bandwagon for a "no gas day" ....are they even thinking about this. yes we are all angry with big corporations like the oil companies .. but one day of not buying gas is not even going to blip on their radar.. boycotts take months to have any effect.  and it's not just gas that oil is used for... plastic is petroleum based, so are most laundry and dish detergents.. so many things we buy every day somehow tied into oil. you want to make a difference , change your habits.  drive less, walk/bike more. carpool . use public transportation if possible.  plan all your errands for one area on the same day. when planning vacations or activities factor in driving distance. buy plant based cleaning products/detergents ( seventh generation/method) reduce your energy consumption. stop buying plastic bottled water, switch to a reusable water bottle ( Sigg/Kleen Kanteen) when purchasing a new vehicle go for a hybrid or fuel efficient model. turn down your heat by 2 or 3 degrees.  if we all think about our energy use and consumption habits and make small changes that will reduce the amount of oil needed/used and reduce our carbon footprint. We all bear some responsibility for the way things are . reduce/reuse/ responsible and make earth friendly choices everyday.

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